Just One Way to Hang a Cat
UK Games Expo is this weekend (Friday, May 31 – Sunday, June 2nd) and a visit to the City of Five Sails is on the schedule with a Saturday tournament! Top performers will also be provided the opportunity to influence the ongoing story in Five Sails with the Just One Way to Hang a Cat story event. Carmel Rechnitzer, the Five Sails Creative Director, will write a story to commemorate the winners and cement their story decisions in the fiction.
This story will be a follow-up to the fiction released earlier this week, The Mercy of Hounds. If you’re attending UKGE, make sure you give it a read!
For all their grudges and flaws, the District Captains understand that open warfare risks the lives of uninvolved citizens. Each signs the Edict of Clemency, and an uneasy peace settles over Five Sails. With swords sheathed, each leader must resort to sorcery and subterfuge to seek their goals.
Yevgeni and Kaspar have Syrneth magic on their side. Don Constanzo celebrates getting away with murder, surrounded by his Streghe. The Musketeers are left scrambling, having recovered Maxime but lost Leontine. Soline el Gato stands accused of murder, theft and sabotage… and the Castille district is forced to submit them to justice for the Edict to take effect.
Arresting el Gato is no simple feat, however. The top contenders at UKGE will get to decide:
1st place: The point of view character for the story – and whether they will chase or assist El Gato.
2nd place: The secondary character – who will do the opposite.
Top of Faction: The top players in each faction will convene to discuss and decide upon the identity of a tertiary character – who accidentally gets far too involved with the chase.

For those of you paticipating in the event at UKGE, we hope Lady Fortune smiles upon you! You may want to consider consulting your local Strega to see what she can divine about your fate as a champion beforehand, though.
For the rest of our community, keep an eye out this week for a special update regarding the second expansion and its new leaders!