7th Sea: City of Five Sail’s second expansion is already in development. In this expansion, our goal is to deliver something that will excite and engage everyone. You’ve all been asking when new leaders would enter Five Sails, and we have been listening. New leaders will debut in the Fate and Fortune expansion, currently slated for Q2 2025.
Who are these new leaders? You might be surprised to find out that you already know them. The community will have the opportunity to select an existing character from each faction to be “promoted” to leader status, serving as the right hand to the original leaders introduced in the core game.
Each faction will be provided three character options to choose from within the existing approach decks (and in one case, the city deck). Whichever leader is selected for each faction will have lasting consequences on the future of both Five Sails and their respective factions. Of course, this won’t remove the option to use the original version of that promoted character in your approach deck, under the direction of the original leader. Players will only be restricted from including a character with the same name as their leader in their approach deck.
To ensure equity in approach deck character options with each leader, we will also see approach deck versions of each current leader released alongside the new leaders. We’ll see a Yevgeni with his shiny new eye, and Kaspar with a new row of silver vertebrae among others that can now be slotted into an approach deck with the new leader.
How will the new leader be selected? On July 1st, 2024, a poll will open on our Discord, allowing the community to vote on which of the three leader options for each faction will be eliminated from consideration. This poll will close on July 30th. During Gen Con 2024, the Five Sails team will hold a conference for each faction during the registration period preceding Saturday’s world championship. In these conferences, players of each faction will gather to discuss and vote on which of the two remaining characters will ascend to leadership, and be featured as a new leader in the second expansion. If you’re attending Gen Con, but not participating in the Saturday championship, you are still welcome to attend your faction conference, just bring your deck with you to show your loyalty so you can join in!
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Who are the options for each faction? We’ll be revealing all the options for each faction in future updates, but in today’s update, we’ll open with the options for Montaigne!
Leontine Giroux has committed a two-way breach of Honor. First, she took Lukas Martinez’s life despite swearing not to kill. Next, she failed to dispatch the foul, undead monster he became. However, being stripped of the Musketeer tabard is not permanent, and does offer the benefits of freedom. Leontine will step up as a Heroic leader, continuing the quest to avenge Dufort and regain her Tabard.

Angeline Demone gave up the Musketeer’s tabard years ago and devoted their life to vigilante justice against the corrupt Montaigne nobility. Odette Dubois D’Arrent explains that if Demone can capture El Gato and Clemency is declared in Five Sails (see the Mercy of Hounds), l’Emperuer will respect the decree within His own borders. Demone would be allowed to return home, their record will be expunged, and the corrupt nobles still pursuing them will be put to trial. They have the chance to lead Montaigne as a Villainous leader on the path towards clearing their name.
Maxime de Lafayette is a wolf in dandy’s clothing. The Montaigne faction knows he’s an impeccable schemer and powerful sorcerer but are unaware of his Villainous ways. He’s offered to lead the search for El Gato personally, to allow Odette to focus on politicking. He seeks to advance l’Emperuer’s cause as a cover to rule and pillage the City of Five Sails.

In the coming weeks, you can expect more updates regarding each faction’s leader options, as well as news surrounding the upcoming Gen Con storyline.
We’re excited to announce that Fate and Fortune sees Brian Mazurowski (@tso) join the design team, as well as the return of the core game’s lead designer, Rob Croy (@Croyote). Open community playtesting for this expansion is projected to open in Q4 2024.