A Taste of Boar – A Fisherman’s Ditty
By Carmel Rechnitzer The following is an excerpt from the writings and records of Rory Fisher, a humble bard and chronicler of the City of Five Sails: Addendum 5.17 – the Taste of Boar For once, I will keep my preamble brief. You’ve doubtless wondered, dear reader,...
Treason’s Greetings – A Fisherman’s Ditty
by Carmel Rechnitzer The following is an excerpt from the writings and records of Rory Fisher, a humble bard and chronicler of the City of Five Sails: Treason’s Greetings; an addendum to The Life and Lies of Constanzo Scarpa: a History of Five Sail’s Most...
Bedtime Stories – A Fisherman’s Ditty
The following is an excerpt from the writings and records of Rory Fisher, a humble bard and chronicler of the City of Five Sails: It is impossible to accurately discuss the Saint Terni’s Riot without acknowledging that the lead-up and aftermath of that wretched day...
Trouble Always Comes in Pairs – Chapter 6 – Blind With Rage
By Carmel Rechnitzer Horatio Lockwood had two problems - well, no, he certainly had more than two problems - but he had two big problems. Well, no, again… He had several big problems. His wound still haunted him, his gambling debts haunted him, and the jealous lovers...
The Mercy of Hounds – Chapter 5 – Blind With Rage
By Carmel Rechnitzer Fighting your own battles was a great way to die, so Odette Dubois D’Arrent made sure to never lay a direct hand on her foes. Safety first, and all. She was armored in the finest black dress Le’Empereur’s money could buy, with her usual frills and...
Won’t and Can’t – Chapter 4 – Blind With Rage
"Won't and Can't!” by Carmel Rechnitzer Leontine was an excellent duelist with an unblemished record. Her winning streak had started at seventeen, when she’d explained to her father she would only marry a man who could best her at swordplay. The Grioux family was...
All is Fair in Love and Intrigue – Chapter 3 – Blind With Rage
All is Fair in Love and Intrigue by Carmel Rechnitzer The problem with amnesia…. Well, no, Yevgeni stopped himself… One of the many problems with amnesia was etiquette. It was harrowing to remember nothing of his youth. The nightmares full of guilt and sorrow...
Women’s Work – Chapter 2 – Blind With Rage
Women’s Work by Carmel Rechnitzer “You know, my dearest Heidi, I always considered us birds of a fabulous feather, “ said Claude de la Roche. “Two peas within the same proverbial pod, as it were.” To master blacksmith Adelheide Schmidt, those words were more...
Deeds, Not Words – Chapter 1 – Blind With Rage
Deeds, Not Words By Carmel Rechnitzer Otto Streit believed in the sanctity of human life. He also believed in the sanctity of the body, which must be treated with respect once the soul had fled. He also, with all his heart, believed in Kaspar Dietrich. It was a shame...
Epilogue – With Good Intentions
This Epilogue is the very last installment within the With Good Intentions storyline and resolves the remaining storyline effects from Gen Con 2023. You can read about the Gen Con story effects in our recent article here. During the For the Family multiplayer event at...