Aces Low Act III

By Owen Lean May 1882 There are specific phrases in the modern parlance that are overused to the point of becoming as meaningless as they are odious.  “It’s been one of those days” is most definitely one of them. However, should one find oneself...

Aces Low – Act II

By Owen Lean May, 1882Lane Healey and I planned to rendezvous two weeks later in Santa Fe. Now, as I approached the San Miguel church, I could see the simpleton standing in its shadow looking impatient. Good. If he was irritated, he’d be easier to manipulate. On the...

Blood In The Dust

By Jeff Bailey Wendy Cheng, formerly known as Xiong, slumped against a hitching rail and surveyed her shadow cast by the midday sun. She traced the outline of her shotgun stock that jutted out over her shoulder. She’d seen that shadow for years. She tried to remember...

Falling Star

by Jeff Bailey In most of the world, sunset was the sun’s warm embrace across the world before it receded. In Gomorra, it was the night’s slicing talons through the sky until its grip tightened to darkness. The fingers clawed over ruined rooftops, but hadn’t yet...

Stupid Things

By Jason Pere The Bayou Vermilion train continued its creaky journey through Arizona’s southern desert.  Its giltwork trim and gaudy colors contrasted with the harsh land it traversed. Xiong “Wendy” Cheng counted cacti as the train began its slow climb up yet...

Too Tough To Die

by Owen Lean Act 1 “Matilda, do you remember what happened?” John said when I came back. Of course I remembered. Nobody could forget a day like that and the nightmares that followed. It was the day after all that madness of the corral and the phrase “Murdered in...